
What people say about my books . . .

Stonewall Strong: "Quite remarkable ... scrupulously researched and damn well written." - A & U Magazine

Victory Deferred: "The most important AIDS chronicle since Randy Shilts' And the Band Played On" - Kirkus Reviews

Tough Love: "Demonstrates what it means to be a  public citizen" - James Mosher, former Norwich Bulletin reporter

Hot Stuff: "Excellent writing" - Publishers Weekly

Wilhelmina Goes Wandering: "Extraordinary" - Mary Ellen Miniciello, former president of the New England School Library Association


Since my first book reviews for the Advocate in 1983, I have been writing about health and medicine, what it means to be a man in America, and how to live resiliently. The articles I've written over the years reflect my wide-ranging curiosity and enjoyment in sharing what I learn in my explorations of fascinating subjects. As a storyteller and journalist, I relish the creative challenge of weaving interesting stories from facts, data, and firsthand accounts. Most of all, I like contributing toward helping others to enjoy their life with good health, insight, and resilience.

"Stonewall Strong" blog on emotional resilience

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